Saturday, June 02, 2007

A New Me

My last jouney ended. I arrived earlier than expected. Thank God for making my journey easier and smooth. Although there were some stop-overs, I was still able to move forward to the end of that road. It was quite a long trip, though... but then again, I'm thanking God for bringing me there safe.

Right now, a new journey is coming my way. I'm glad I made the right choices and roads to take... I'm better than before... Much stronger. A fighter and a great traveler.

Life's really tough but i know I'm tougher than life itself for I've survived the challenges that came my way.
Noone can ever steal those momeries from me... They're the ones who made me like this... a person who's not afraid anymore...

I am happy for what i've become. A new me. A new self. A new life. And a new journey to take...

And whoever tries or dares to ruin this journey, I swear I'll break every inch of his/her life!..


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